FOOD’S GOATS “Greatest of all Time!” by Tim Forrest
Food’s Greatest of All Time by Tim Forrest
1. Clarence Saunders, creator of the modern retail sales model at Piggly Wiggly. 1918 created the self-serve grocery store. Receipts and tagging prices near the shelf item,
3. Costco and Aldi Jim Sinegal at Costco and his mentor Sol Price and Albrecht brothers that built global retailer Aldi and owns Trader Joes today.
4. George and Carl Page, 1866 Evaporated Milk, later Nestle, 447 factories with 29 brands that do more than a $1 billion per year.
5. Samuel J. Porcello, “Mr. Oreo” food scientist, patent holder, inventor of the Oreo white filling center
6. Trader Joe’s founder Joseph Coloumbe, book Becoming Trader Joe Icon and Individual, turned a group of c-stores into an incredible retailer that serves the most wealthy in the US.
7. Robert Woodruff, Coke promoter and leader for decades
8. Vinnie Gruppuso, builder of Cozy Shack Pudding and former bread route salesperson.
8. Henry Wood, founder of the first food company in America in the Northeast in 1790, King Arthur Flower leader
9. Wally Amos, featured in the Smithsonian for creating the first cookie shop. Famous Amos
10. David Klein, founder of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans, the balloon decoration industry, yogurt toppings
Honorable mention would be Otto Rohwedder for his mechanical device that cut loaves of bread into slices.
“Hi I’m Tim, and I love the food business! I’ve been helping large and small companies and entrepreneurs achieve success for decades. My consulting projects have contributed to major successes for my clients, including many with 100%+ year-over-year growth rates. I enjoy sharing my expertise, and hope you find these blog posts enlightening. Please reach out to me with any questions or comments.”
Million Dollar
Thinking Tactics for a Bigger and Better Food Company